For decades now a rider’s position on the bike has been based predominantly around how ‘Good’ it looks with a few details thrown in such as the knee being over the pedal spindle. In some European countries they still like to raise the saddle up to the full extent of a cyclists flexibility (or beyond) and position their bars exactly one fist height below that……(?)
Trying to make a rider fit their bike is thankfully now a thing of the past. Here at MK1 Bike, Body & Sole, using Retül’s 3D Motion Capture Analysis system, Mike and Sally Hattan can now fit the bike to the rider!
A proper bike fit is essential for optimal performance, efficiency, injury prevention and comfort on the bike and will provide the rider with the most economic means of expending energy. A proper bike fit will prevent pain that is common in the knee, hip, neck, shoulders, wrists, hands and lower back, particularly with riders who are trying to adapt their bodies to the bike they have already purchased.
The repetitive actions involved in cycling over what can be long periods of time puts demands and loads on the body. Overload on any particular structure while riding can lead to general discomfort, inefficiency, pain and ultimately injury.
Every ‘body’ is different, if a rider is trying to work to the limits of their biomechanics to fit their bike, they could be lining themselves up for a potential problem. Using Retül’s 3D motion capture analysis system, we fit the bike to the rider. Using small infra-red LED’s placed on 8 specific locations on the body, a 3D scanner measures each of these LED’s 29 x per second.
As biomechanic specialists we then interpret the streams of data presented about a rider’s position and movement while riding under load. Informed adjustments can then be made to get you set up in your best position.
We can fit you on your existing bike or we can utilise the multi adjustable Müve bike to get you set up in YOUR best position depending on flexibility, the time or distance you ride for and type of cycling you’re doing etc. (Race, TT, MTB, Tri or sportive and leisure).
So why should you come to see us specifically? Well for a start we are a clinic specialising in biomechanics where we have strong links with Podiatry, Sports Massage, Physiotherapy and even an Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle consultant on tap.
We do not sell bike parts, frames or complete bikes so you can be assured that any recommendation for changes such as stem length, a different shaped saddle or a complete new frame are simply based on our bike fit findings.
You are then free to source those yourself, although we will of course help if you wish. Furthermore we are not linked to any specific manufacturer of cycles or parts. This is a huge bonus with our fits because (if required) we can use your key fit dimensions and compare them to hundreds of readily available bikes and frames of all sizes from many of the top manufacturers, without being tied to a couple of brands.
So whether you’re having issues on your bike, looking to purchase a new one or simply unsure if your position can be improved, whether you are a professional athlete, competitive age grouper, recreational rider or commuter, every cyclist will benefit from a proper bike fit.
Call Mike Hattan at MK1 Bike, Body & Sole to book your appointment. 07723072647
In addition to the normal Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, there are occasionally evening and weekend times available by request.
MIKE HATTAN est 2005 (Formerly at White Rose Clinic) tel:07723072647
1st Floor 4, Parade Court, East Parade, Heworth York YO31 7XF